This is how Hannah feels about the chicken pox.
So Hannah has been such a trooper with these chicken pox. She hasn't complained or whined at all. But by this afternoon I could tell she was pretty miserable so I gave her some Tylenol and some benadryl and now she is passed out in her bed. I hope she will be able to join the family for supper as her grandpa and uncle will be joining us and we are having corn on the cob which she has been asking for forever. Poor baby...she now has pretty good crop and they look pretty bad. You can't tell by the photo but they look just awful. We did take her to lunch and Wal Mart today and got some pretty interesting looks from people. With the vaccine that everybody gets I don't think anybody has a clue anymore what chicken pox look like. As if we need anymore people staring us down. Let me tell you having daughters from China and Ethiopia will get you some looks in a city that is really not very diversified at all. But I don't care...let them look and maybe some will be brave enough to inquire so I can share are wonderful story of adoption.
Oh so sorry!!!! I hope the girls feel better soon:)
She's still cute as a button! Give her some get well hugs from Mia! Love ya, Nan
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