Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's been a While

The girls and I are back from China. So thankful that I got a chance to take Hannah back to her original SWI and share some of her culture with her. We had a great time with our team in China. I took about a thousand photos but have only so many I can share on my blog. Enjoy
Great Wall is a Challenge
Cute shot on the Great Wall

The Great Wall is steep and tall...it is a work out
The girls & I on the Great Wall
Hannah and I on the very busy Great Wall.
Hannah at the Great Wall with the Olympic theme in the background
The girls and I at the Forbidden City
Waiting for our our guide as she went to get Hannah some mint for her raw throat
This is in the Forbidden City...it is a 4 star toilet...I didn't go in but I can just guess it stunk
Our guide Lilly and us at the Great Wall

Hannah and I on the Great Wall
Thumbs up for something Hannah would actually eat
One and only time on the trip Hannah ate some Protien...and it was this big huge rib
The team at the Yangtze River in Changsha (3,915 miles long)
Statue of Chairman Mao in his home city of Changhsha
The girls and I by the Yangtze River
Hannah insisted on taking my photo on the squatty potty
Squatty potties...suck but I couldn't resist a photo. Thank God you can't smell through the internet.

Tuckered OUT

Molly with our guide Lilly and the SWI director
Spoon Wars
The Chenzhou team...first mission team to visit the orphanage
Hannah with the SWI director...she is the woman that put Hannah in my arms nearly 5 yrs. ago
The team painted faces on the last day. As if Molly didn't already stick out in China
Molly with the Asst. SWI director
Molly as the Joker
Hannah with one of the nannies. Our timing was off as the nanny the cared for her was not there to see Hannah because she had just had a baby.
The girls at the entrance of the SWI (Social Welfare Institute ie: orphanage) This building also housed older Chinese folks...kind of like a retirement home for people without family.

Girls loved doing the chicken dance

A couple of the girls on our team organized a fun time of dancing with the children...so fun.
One of the Nannies looking at Hannah's referral photos. They all remembered her and were so excited to see how well she is doing. All we had to say was this is Chen Wen Shu and they got great big smiles and hugged her. She was the first child to return to the orphanage.
Hannah became fast friends with the oldest girl (12).
Molly and I ate a pigeon egg and it tasted like a sweet egg yolk

Room where Hannah's crib was

The old Chenzhou orphanage just behind the new one...this the building where Hannah was
Gate to the old orphanage where Hannah was abandoned at 1 day old
Molly with our guide Lilly and her nephew Carrie
Hannah with her favorite baby...she looked a lot like Hannah as a baby and was very content
It was so danged hot everyday...Hannah just about melted
Molly with her favorite baby in the toddler room.
The new Chenzhou SWI...it was gorgeous
Hannah in the baby room
Molly and I loved the chicken feet...they were like a sweet buffalo wing with lots of bones
Chicken feet...Molly and I had them for breakfast everyday
Molly's first experience with chopsticks and it was a bowl of noodles...challenging

Boarding the plane to Changsha


me said...

Mia says, "Oh Hello Kitty, that must be why I love her so!" LOL I love the picture of you on the pot, you are hilarious girlfriend! Love you so much! Mia is BEGGING to go to SD and see y'all! We gotta plan something to get these two together! Love you and glad you are all home safe! Nancy Lee

Bliss said...

Nancy I'm glad you got such a kick out of the squatty potty photos. This was my third time to China but really only the first that I had to deal with the stinky disgusting toilets. Hannah usually had me hold her nose they stunk so bad. I agree we need to get all the kids together. Give Mia a big hug from us.

me said...

Well, then....we need to plan something for sure! Love you sister! Nancy lee

Shari U said...

How wonderful you got to go to China! We're thinking of taking our daughter next year; to Changsha, but I think we'll go on our own. (if we can find a guide to take us around when we arrive). It looks like it was miserably hot, maybe we won't do it during the middle of the summer. Thanks for sharing the pictures, you've inspired me!