It was Hannah's turn to be leader at preschool today. The leader is in charge of bringing treats and it was sunflower day so we made sunflower cookies last night.

Hannah loves Mrs. W. (do the cookies look like sunflowers????)

Aunt Becky was in town and Hannah was so excited to take her to preschool.

Tomorrow the kids have a field trip to a park. I told the teacher I could help out but Hannah informed me when we got in the van that I was not welcome on the field trip. She said "Mommy you will just take my car seat into the school because you are not coming with us." WHAT???? It was such a funny moment. She is only 4, but very politely expressed that she didn't need her mother around cramping her style. How ironic that I have a 10 yr. old that wants me at every function.
1 comment:
Hannah is just about the most independently secure child there is! I think that's great! Bekah is the same way, she's always been the one to say, "No way, I'll do it myself!" You are a great mom! And Molly will be there soon, especially when she discovers boys. Love ya sister! Nancy
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