We had a fun night with a visit from our friend Matt. He was in town for a trial (he is an FBI agent). Anyway we went to dinner and got caught up with what was going on with mutual friends. We then went back to our house where Hannah recruited Matt to read her a few books. Hannah and I had been to the library that afternoon for story time so I had checked a few new books. Matt read "Bubba and Beau Go Night-Night". If you have not read this book to your kids...I highly recommend it as it will crack you up. Ron and I were laughing out of control as Matt read it to Hannah. I'm not kidding I was laughing so hard I snorted a few times (I never snort). We finally got Hannah to bed and watched "The Kingdom" (we have seen this movie a couple of times but Matt had not seen it). It is about FBI agents...so it was interesting to watch with an FBI agent.
I'm having a little trouble with Hannah and her sleeping...or lack there of. She goes to bed between 8 or 9PM. She used to sleep until 8AM and then take a nap in the afternoon. She now gets up at 6AM and won't nap in the afternoon. When she doesn't get enough sleep she tends to get a little (OK a lot hiper). A few people commented about her behavior at story time (she was all over the place...she usually sits quietly by my side). They asked my what I fed her for lunch and she was fun to watch. Not fun for me as I was constantly telling her to sit down and pay attention to the story. Anyway I am at a loss to how to fix this situation...will take any kind of advice.
Have a great day.
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