Monday, August 11, 2008

Boring Day

It was dark and rainy most of the day so we had a boring day stuck inside the house. It bugs me that it was rainy today for a couple of reasons. One we only have this week left to visit the water park before it closes and today was the first day of our county fair.

This past weekend we enjoyed the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I thought they were awesome. I love watching the Olympics. I even found myself watching women's water polo this morning. I think that is going overboard. Ron and I spent Saturday cooking most of the afternoon. We had his sister (visiting from CT) and his dad over for dinner (his mother was at the hospital getting blood). After dinner we planned on watching the end of the the opening ceremonies as his sister hadn't seen them and I of course TiVo(ed). Well that didn't happen as the power went out for over 2 hours. I hate when the power goes out.
Sunday we were at church in the AM (I was mainly wrestling with Hurricane Hannah as she refuses to sit still in God's House). After lunch Hannah and I headed to the water park and Ron went to his brothers to make jelly. They got over 30 we have lots of jelly. Hannah and I watched the female Olympic gymnastics. Hannah was so funny. She laid out a blue comforter for her floor exercise and was trying copy all the gymnasts tricks. It was too funny. She actually did pretty good for a 3 year old. She was really into the Chinese girls. I was working on some our adoption paper work and Hannah walked over to me and said "Mama, we don't look alike." That caught me off guard. I asked how we looked different. And she said "Well, her eyes are shaped like almonds and yours are round. My hair is black and yours is blond". It was a very interesting moment.

We have nearly all the documents we need for our adoption. I spent last night scanning them all in so I could email them to our family coordinator for approval. We meet with our social worker in the morning so she can finish up our home study. Things are coming together but it is still not fast enough for me. I wish were already home with little Marissah. Just keep us in your prayers that things will continue to go smoothly with our adoption process.


1 comment:

me said...

I'm praying your mother-in-law feels better soon!!! That is awesome your home study paperwork is OVER? You will have Marrissah in your arms before you know it! Love you sister! Nancy
PS according to Mia, everyone is Chinese, and she looks just like mama! Hannah is so smart!