Friday, April 10, 2009

On our way

This is Mahelet's room. I left the walls and pretty much everything else empty so she could pick out what she wanted.

Hannah wanted her photo taken. I think she is trying sneak her way on the plane with us. Speaking of that we did get confirmation last night from the NVC office that our information was emailed to the consulate in Addis Ababa. But I got a call this morning from our agency saying that the consulate has not received it. Oh the stress.


Kari said...

Mahelet's room is STUNNING:))))
The colors are perfect for this precious daughter of yours!!!
She will be blown away!

Dawn said...

Bliss, Mahelet's room looks Fantastic and Hannah looks so excited!!I can't wait to hear all about Mahelet! We are praying for NVC to get it RIGHT!!!It is going to work, I just know it, God wants you there. Let us know what you need. Love and Happy Easter!!!Dawn G

Jaime said...

her room is so cute...praying for your journey to be full of God's goodness:)

me said...

You are a fashion guru! Looks great! Can't wait to see what she does to it with all her girly posters She's just going to flow from all these blessings! Love ya sister, your the best! Nancy Lee