Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sad day

My heart goes out to the Chapman family as they mourn the loss of their beautiful daughter Maria. What a tragedy. I think Hannah sensed my sadness as she woke up in a very sweet mood and just let me hold her close.

I just have to share how much I love my little girl. Yesterday I was sitting as my computer when Hannah walks over with her little chair and sits down beside me. She took my hand and said "Mama you are my very best friend in the whole world and I just love you". OK I melted as I told her how much I loved her too. She then said "God made us special and he loves us very much". Boy can this girl put a smile on my face.

As for our next adoption we have stepped out in faith and joined the special needs list with our agency. We have been praying about this for a while and just really felt lead to take this direction. So please keep us in your prayers as we continue with this very long wait.


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